Power Gun

The Power Gun is a suction blast tool designed for dry, touch-up blasting where the air is limited or the job is small. The tool is lightweight, compact and easy to setup.

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The Power Gun simply connects to compressed air and abrasive sources. The unique suction lance installed on the abrasive hose is partially submerged into a bag of media or connected to the optional media hopper.

Blasting begins when the operator depresses a lever on the gun. A vaccum is created by the compressed air rushing past the point where the abrasive hose attaches to the gun. The vacuum draws abrasives through the hose into the gun where it mixes with compressed air.


Lightweight and easy to transport


Can be used with any expendable media container or right out of the bag.


Blasting begins when the operator depresses a lever on the gun. A vacuum is created by the compressed air rushing past the point where the abrasive hose attaches to the gun. The vacuum draws abrasives through the hose into the gun where it mixes with compressed air.

Sandblasting power gun

Popular Applications

Touch-up work or re-blasting areas that may have failed inspection
On-board ships
On a scaffold or other elevated/difficult to reach locations
Small jobs
Inside large diameter pipes

Requirements for operation

Clean, dry, compressed air of sufficient volume to maintain pressure at the gun. Volume of air will depend on the application and desired production rate
Suitable air-fed helmet for respiratory protection for the operator
Expendable abrasives 1millimeter and finer
The use of abrasives containing more than 1% free silica is not recommended
Competent operator

Clemco Air Specifications